Backupbuddy Error


i was trying to make a backup with standard backupbuddy settings and i get the following problem:

using Backupbuddy and it gives me a PHP Fatal PHP Error: PHP_ERROR Error #32893 it uses only File options 0.02 MB of memory.

any ideas?
mind these are all standard settings of local server and backupbuddy settings.



I will look into this. Sorry for the trouble!

No problem!
Happy to help, once you find a solution please let me know.
I increased the php timeout limit and then it completed the backup but it seems to use only 0.02 memory which is weird.

I use ManageWP and have had a great experience cloning live sites to my local MAMP Pro installation and visa versa. When I try the same process with Local Flywheel I’m getting a PHP error thrown (unable to complete the process via PHP)

Can you please try increasing the timeout in /conf/php/VERSION/php.ini for the site you’re having trouble with?

Search for max_execution_time and increase that to something higher like 900 (15 minutes)

If that doesn’t work, please provide the PHP error you’re seeing and we’ll look into it more.