Compile WebP Support for GD

I too would like to see webp support, but also consistent PHP configurations over all versions;

8.0.0: GD support; yes, webp in GD: no, ImageMagick support: no.
7.4.1: GD support; yes, webp in GD: no, ImageMagick support: yes, webp in ImageMagick: no
7.3.5: GD support; yes, webp in GD: no, ImageMagick support: no.
5.6.39: completely broken.

I would like to request that all PHP versions are configured with webp support in GD and a working ImageMagick with webp support as WordPress 5.8 will be released tomorrow with native webp support; we need to be able to develop for it.

Or; as an alternative; instructions on how to recompile a localwp PHP binary :wink: