Local Lightning performance issues when running Apache

I normally use NGINX in Local Lightning, as most of my clients end up hosted with Flywheel, but this time I needed to use Apache, and I noticed the site is quite a bit slower…in pretty much every way. When open Gutenberg it’s particularly slow for some reason, and even just refreshing pages in the backend or frontend can be quite slow, definitely much slower than when I’m using NGINX.

Is this due to the much lower version of MySQL? Or is Apache really that much slower than NGINX?

Windows 10/ Local 5.7.5.

I haven’t done a deep analysis of performance between Apache/Nginx, but anecdotally I’ve noticed NGINX to be faster.

I just saw this topic in the forums where the user improved speed in Windows by using for the DB_HOST in the wp-config.php file:

We’re always looking for ways to make Local better – Do you want to give the above a try and let us know if that helps?

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