Set WordPress version timeout, possibly add alt config file

Local: 5.2.1+2165
macOS: 10.15.2 (bash shell)

For all of my sites, I add WordPress or ClassicPress* (depending on the client) as a git submodule within webroot (I simply name it wordpress), to make it easy to switch versions (cd wordpress; git checkout 5.3.2, yada). As such, wp-includes/version.php is not found, and the site info screen spins while it tries to get the version:

LBF 3 had the same issue, but it timed out/stopped looking after a short moment. I realize that I can symlink wp-includes/version.php as wordpress/wp-includes/version.php (and usually do, but sometimes I throw up ad-hoc quickies to test things), but it seems like a timeout would be prudent.

Since I have a similar issue with the Database tab not finding wp-config.php (which I can also symlink), because I also have in a custom location/name, perhaps it would be even better to allow support for a custom config file (similar to wp-cli.yml) where one could set the paths to wp-includes/version.php and the location of the PHP file containing DB_HOST, DB_NAME, etc. This is just one artist’s rendition:

# local.yml - Global and environmental overrides
	version_file: './wordpress/wp-includes/version.php'
    config: '../conf/wp-config-${ENVIRONMENT}.php'
    config: '/home/star/runner/wp/configs/wp-config.php'

*on that note, it would also be nice if you also detected the ClassicPress version if it is being used, rather than assuming WordPress. :slight_smile: