Using Multipe Database Instance at same time through LocalWP Free users

When a user start working with two Local Sites simultaneously and want to use two database instance same time at that time Local Only shows the first opened instance of Adminer DB.
Any proper solution for this?
Right now I’m using third party DB Visualizer which can be accessed by DB Credentials.

I am struggling with the use of multiple databases as well. I will give the “third party DB Visualizer” a try.

Can you please help by sharing what credentials you used to connect to the local DB? I’m having trouble connecting with any DB software aside from the built-in Adminer, i created a post for it here: How to connect to database using Sequel Pro, Sequel Ace or MySQL Workbench - Support - Local Community

I downloaded the DB Visualizer software and still having the same issue, details:

You need to change database port as shown in database section of local site. Which is probably 100xx.

I don’t have that inside my local app:

When I try using the port that adminer uses (100xx)…it doesn’t connect either, it stalls and never connects…Does your Local app dashboard look different than mine?