Woocommerce installation failed

Hi Community!

I cannot install woocommerce on my new local site. I get the message “woocommerce installation failed could not create directory”.
I set a /tmp directory and added following code to config.php: define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/tmp’);
Thank you for support, kind regards, Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I’m having the same problem.

Windows 10 fully patched.
Latest version of Local (5.6.3+4270)

New install of Local, new totally vanilla Wordpress 5.4.2 install.

PHP 7.3.5
MySQL 5.7.28

When I try to add Woocommerce as a plugin I get the following message:

Installation failed: Could not create directory. woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/analytics-report-categories~analytics-report-coupons~analytics-report-customers~analytics-report-dow~99eefb40

So I’m stuck at the first hurdle! Did you manage to find a fix, looks like the same problem?


Hi Dan!
Yes, I think I found the problem (hopefully sustainable).

I shortened the ordername “woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-admin/dist/analytics-report-categories~analytics-report-coupons~analytics-report-customers~analytics-report-dow~99eefb40” before installing the plugin.

Hope this works for you,
br, Stefan

Same issue here…
how can I do that?