Getting Composer Installed with Local on Windows (the SSL issue)

Right now the only way I’m seeing to get Composer running with Local on Windows is to setup a separate instance of PHP on the Windows system. This seems less than ideal. :slight_smile:

The issue I’m running into is that Composer won’t install without PHP having SSL enabled and at least in the current version of Local (5.3.3+3248) the bundled PHP appears not to have SSL enabled (or Composer doesn’t think it is).

Wondering if anyone has any other suggestions on how to get Composer up and running?

I have a VVV instance on my system so I can run it through there, but that is about as unideal as installing a separate PHP instance.

I could setup WSL but it seems almost certain that this would require installing a separate instance of PHP as well, so again, not ideal.

I’ve also noticed some people are looking for the binary for PHP in Local as the Windows Composer installer doesn’t detect it automatically. It should be at a path like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\local\resources\extraresources\lightning-services\php-7.3.5+6\bin\win64\php.exe


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