Mailhog not catching mails on Windows

This is a regression in Local 5.4.2 that will be resolved this week. In the meantime, you can downgrade to 5.4.1 and it should take care of the issue!

Regarding MailHog not intercepting e-mail on Windows, we’ve tracked this down to a config regression in a recent fix.

To work around this issue, you can:

  1. Open up your site’s conf/php/php.ini.hbs file (conf is adjacent to the site’s app directory)
  2. Change
    sendmail_path = "'{{mail.mailhogPath}}' sendmail --smtp-addr={{mail.mailhogSmtpAddr}} mailhog@flywheel.local"
    sendmail_path = '"{{mail.mailhogPath}}" sendmail --smtp-addr={{mail.mailhogSmtpAddr}} mailhog@flywheel.local'
  3. Restart the site

Please note, we’re going to be improving testing around functionality like MailHog in the near future to help catch potential regressions like these in the future.

Sorry for the trouble!