New guy question:

Hi all,

I’m not sure how I did this, but I’m running a site with live links which means I have to keep my Flywheel Local open at all times. Is there a resource that shows me the proper way to push the site?



Hey Mike!

Local allows you to push a site up to Flywheels servers by using the “Connect” feature. More information about that process can be found in this help doc:

If you are wanting to deploy the site to a different hosting company, that is still possible, but that will have to be done in a manual way.

To do this, right-click on the site within Local and select “Export”. This will give you a zip file containing a database dump as well as all of the media in the uploads folder and the various files for plugins and themes.

From there, you’ll need to determine what things are needed for the host you are using, and work with them to deploy. Hope that helps give you some direction!

Hi Ben,

I wasn’t planning on going with another host. Not sure what this is in response to.



Hey @Mike_Elrod

Live Links is only meant as a temporary way of sharing a Local site with someone.

If you’re ready to deploy the Local site to Flywheel’s servers, then take a look at that help doc that goes into more details about using Local Connect:

The general workflow that’s outlined in the above help doc goes like this:

  1. Create a new, remote site on Flywheel’s server
  2. Login to your Flywheel account from within Local
  3. Once the site on the server has finished being setup, push the Local site up
  4. Local will export the local site and push it up to the server to be processed and deployed

I mostly added the second option of a different host since I wasn’t sure what was trying to be done. Hope that gives you a little more direction on how to deploy the site up to Flywheel’s servers!