WP Multisite with Bedrock


I’ve been trying to get WordPress multisite (subdomain) working on LocalWP, I’ve successfully installed WordPress Multisite, but I can’t manage to get the subdomains to work and just get

server IP address could not be found.

I’ve been playing around with the site.conf file with suggestions online with no luck.

Has anyone else ran into the same problem or know a solution to get the subdomain working on a local environment?

Bump. Why hasn’t anyone addressed this multisite question?

As I tried to find the sites.json file mentioned in another post [Switch to Multisite on Local?]
and knowing the wpconfig.php file had the right code.
I simply tried a couple of things and got it to work.
In Local site, I simply stopped the site and restarted it. I also clicked the Multisite SYNC MULTISITE DOMAINS TO HOSTS FILE… which was uneventful when I clicked.

I’m new to this tool and just trying to figure things our myself. Hope it helps.

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