Adding Bedrock to Local version 5

It’s great to see the interest around using Bedrock with Local!

Local 5 and newer utilizes a native stack, so paths such as /app won’t work anymore. You will need to provide the entire path.

The root in your nginx.conf.hbs should look something like the following:

    root   "/Users/claygriffiths/Local Sites/bedrock-test/app/bedrock/web";

Note, the path that shows for the site inside Local is ~/Local Sites/bedrock-test. Nginx doesn’t work with ~/, so you’ll need to swap it out with one of the following:

  • macOS: /Users/YOUR_USERNAME
  • Windows: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME
  • Linux: /home/YOUR_USERNAME

If you are using Bedrock or change where wp-config.php is, you will see errors on the Database tab in Local like in screenshot that @teddy posted above. Don’t fret! As long as you configure the .env file in Bedrock to match up with the defaults shown in the Database tab, the DB connection should be good to go!